How Big Is A Bed Bug?

Everyone who has had the unfortunate experience of bed bugs in their home probably knows that these tiny animals are visible to the human eye.

They look very similar to other small household bugs, so it can be worthwhile knowing what bed bugs look like and how big they are.

We take a closer look at the different sizes of bed bugs at different stages of their lives as well as what attracts bed bugs into our home.

How Big Is A Bed Bug?

Adult bed bugs are generally around the size of an apple seed, which is between 5 mm and 7 mm long. 

Fully grown bed bugs have an elongated body shape and they are reddish-brown in appearance when they have been recently fed.

If an adult bed bug hasn’t been recently fed, then it becomes almost transparent and it is very difficult to spot with the naked eye.

In comparison, younger bed bugs, also known as nymphs, are much smaller and they are also white and yellow in color.

Bed bug eggs are only 1 mm long which is around the size of a pinhead. The eggs of a bed bug are white in color.

Although not visible without a magnifying glass, the eggs have a little black eye spot when they are older than five days.

How To Detect Bed Bugs

The bed bug is a true bug in the sense of the word. These tiny animals include small beaks which have three segments. They also have wings that aren’t used for flying.

Bed bugs also produce a sweet, musty odor with the glands on the underside of their bodies.

Bed Bug Appearance

Bed bugs can look different depending on the country they live in but the majority of these little bugs are brownish or reddish.

They have a long body with wings that are not used for flight.

While adult bed bugs can be spotted with the naked eye, young bedbugs aren’t visible without a microscope, also because they are translucent or white.

Where To Find Bed Bugs?

It isn’t always the bugs that we spot but the remains they leave behind on our upholstery, bed sheets, mattress, or other furniture items.

You will notice the red-colored stains that look like small blurry spots. 

Due to their incredibly small size, bed bugs can hide almost anywhere in and on your furniture.

They can be found in drawer joints, curtain holds, and even under loose wallpaper.

But one of the most popular hiding places of bed bugs is the seams of mattresses and bed sheets, hence their name.

How Big Is A Bed Bug

How To Spot Bed Bug Bites

Another way that bed bugs make their presence known is by biting. Bed bugs live in our furniture to get closer to us humans (unfortunately) and to feed off our blood.

This usually happens at night when you do not notice it but bed bugs can also be active during the day.

A bed bug bite has a distinctive curved shape with up to four bites which are around two to four millimeters in size. 

The bite itself is quite itchy and some bites can also form small blisters on top.

Most bed bugs prefer to bite legs and arms where the bites can also cause rashes due to an allergic reaction.

If you think that you have been bitten by bed bugs, then it’s a good idea to check with your doctor or dermatologist.

They’ll be able to give you some medication for the itchiness and the allergic rash.

A doctor will also be able to advise if your bite is really from a bedbug or any other insect or big, such as a mosquito, lice, or fleas.

What Attracts Bed Bugs Into Your Home?

Unlike popular belief, bed bugs have nothing to do with the cleanliness of our homes. These tiny animals are like little hitchhikers that travel on animals or people whom they also feed from.

You can accidentally pick up bed bugs from anywhere. They attach themselves to your clothes, and then you bring them into your home where they settle on your furniture.

Bed bugs can also arrive with any new furniture in your home.

That’s why, it is important to check any of your furniture and clothes regularly. Bed bugs can survive for a surprisingly long time without feeding.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Due to their size, bed bugs are not easy to get rid of in your home. They can spread quickly and easily, so it takes a comprehensive approach where you treat almost everything in your home.

If your bed bug infestation is relatively severe, then it is better to contact a specialist for pest control.

Here are some of our top tips on how you can remove bed bugs from your home

Heat Treatment

Bed bugs cannot survive hot temperatures above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Many pest control professionals use special steam to deep clean furniture and destroy any bugs and eggs.

Sometimes they also use specially designed heaters that warm up the room to kill the bugs.

However, this method can also affect any items in the room and should be used with great care to avoid damaging any sensitive fabrics, furniture, or other things in your home.

Although steam cleaning is very effective, you will still need to clean up any areas where the dead bed bugs are.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous earth can also be used for other bugs. It is effectively fine dust that can be applied to different surfaces such as bedding, carpets, and bed frames.

This dust sticks to the bed bugs and it dries them out, eventually killing them.

It’s important to find the right type of diatomaceous earth as not all types are suitable for pest management.

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Final Thoughts

While bed bug adults are the size of an apple seed and can be seen with the naked eye, bed bug eggs are much harder to spot.

Nick Spieth