How Big is a Can of Soda?

There are many different sizes and types of soda cans on the market today. Some are made from aluminum, others from steel. And there are a variety of sizes, from 8 oz cans to 20 oz cans.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take a look at all the different sizes and materials used for soda cans. We will also discuss how big each type of can is and how tall they stand. Whether you’re looking for information on a rare can size or just trying to compare two common sizes, we’ve got you covered!

What are the dimensions of a standard soda can?

The dimensions of a standard soft drink can vary depending on the manufacturer. However, most 12 oz cans are about 20.95 mm in diameter and 53.34 mm in width. The circumference of these cans is about 65.71 mm.

This size was chosen by manufacturers because it is a happy medium between the smaller and larger can sizes. It is also the most popular size for beer cans.

How tall is a Pepsi can in inches?

A 12 oz can of Pepsi is about 0.75 inches tall (see also our article on converting 12 inches). This is a little over 19 mm.

Fun fact: Did you know that the famous wrestler, The Big Show, stands as tall as 63 cans of soda stacked on top of each other?! 63 Soda cans are exactly 7 feet tall!

What are the most common sizes of soda cans?

The most common sizes of soda cans are 12 oz, 16 oz, and 20 oz. However, there are a variety of other sizes on the market as well, such as mini cans (which are about half the size of a standard 12 oz can) and big gulp cans (which can hold up to 64 oz of soda).

12 oz soda can

What are the dimensions of the 16 oz can?

The 16 oz can is a bit bigger than the 12 oz can, with dimensions of about 23.62 mm in diameter and 61.04 mm in width. The circumference of these cans is about 73.22 mm.

What are the dimensions of the 20 oz can?

The 20 oz can is the largest of the common soda can sizes, with dimensions of about 26.16 mm in diameter and 66.68 mm in width. The circumference of these cans is about 82.26 mm.

What size is the mini can?

A mini can is about half the size of a 12 oz can, with dimensions of about 11.23 mm in diameter and 40.01 mm in width. The circumference of these cans is about 34.29 mm.

These little cans are perfect for when you want a small soda without having to commit to a full-size can.

Soda cans sizes are still pretty standard across the US, but if you walk into a gas station you’ll see there has been some movement to a more unique look that mirrors what the Red Bull can sizes and dimensions look like.

What are the most common sizes of soda cans in other countries?

Soda cans come in a variety of sizes in other countries as well. For example, in Japan, the most common size is the 350 ml can. In Europe, the most common size is the 330 ml can. And in Australia, the most common size is the 375 ml can.

These sizes are very close to the standard 12 oz cans sold here in the U.S.

What materials are soda cans made out of?

Soft drink cans are most commonly made out of aluminum or steel. Aluminum cans are lightweight and easy to recycle. Steel cans are a bit heavier but are also recyclable. Some companies are even experimenting with biodegradable materials, such as bamboo, for their soda cans.

Plastic bottles are also becoming a popular option for soda, as they are lightweight and can be easily recycled. However, they are not as durable as aluminum or steel cans and are more likely to break if dropped.

Glass bottles are also sold in some places, but they are the least common type of container for soda. This is because they are heavy and breakable, which makes them less convenient to transport and recycle.

soda container materials

Do different materials affect the taste?

Aluminum and steel soda cans are usually lined with a thin layer of plastic to prevent the soda from coming into direct contact with the metal. This lining does not affect the taste of the soda.

Some people believe that aluminum cans give soda a metallic taste, but this is generally only noticeable if the can is dented or damaged in some way.

Is the fizziness affected by different materials?

The fizziness of soda is not affected by the type of container it is stored in. Whether you are drinking soda from a can, bottle, or glass, the carbonation will be the same.

But do different materials affect how long the soda stays fresh?

Cans are the best option for storing soda if you want it to stay fresh for a long time. This is because they are airtight and prevent the soda from going flat.

Plastic bottles are also good at keeping soda fresh, but they are not as airtight as cans. Glass bottles are the worst option for storing soda, as they are not airtight and the soda will go flat relatively quickly.

Are soda cans getting smaller?

Yes, soda cans are getting smaller. In fact, the average can size has decreased by about 15% over the past 20 years. This is due to a variety of factors, such as the increasing price of aluminum and the changing preferences of consumers.

are soda cans getting smaller

Are there health reasons for the smaller cans?

Yes, there are health reasons for the smaller cans. Studies have shown that people tend to drink more soda when it is available in larger containers. This is because we are hardwired to consume more of a product when it is easy to access.

The smaller cans help to portion control the amount of soda we consume, which can lead to better health outcomes.

The sugar added tax is also a factor in the smaller can sizes. This tax is levied on sodas that contain added sugar, and it has led to a decrease in the size of soda cans as companies try to offset the cost.

How many calories are typically in a 12 oz can?

A 12 oz can of soda typically contains about 150 calories. This number can vary depending on the type of soda and the added ingredients. For example, a 12 oz can of Coca-Cola has 140 calories, while a 12 oz can of Mountain Dew has 170 calories.

How much sugar is in a can of soda?

A can of Coke will have around 39 grams of sugar, while a can of Mountain Dew has 54 grams of sugar. The recommended daily intake of sugar is around 50 grams, so a can of soda can easily put you over that amount. Drinking just one can of soda a day leads to weight gain, so it is important to be mindful of your intake.

This has led to diet sodas becoming more popular, as they do not contain the added sugar. However, diet sodas still have other harmful ingredients, such as artificial sweeteners, that can also lead to many similar health concerns.

Soda is a delicious treat that many of us enjoy on a daily basis. However, it is important to be aware of just how much sugar one can holds.

Soda is the most popular beverage in the United States, with Americans consuming an average of about 44 gallons per person each year. This is more than double the amount of soda consumed by people in any other country.

There are many reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is that soda is extremely affordable and accessible. It is also a very tasty and refreshing drink, which makes it hard to resist.

However, we must be mindful of our consumption, as too much soda can lead to serious health problems. Be sure to enjoy it in moderation!


So there you have it – everything you ever wanted to know about soda (and then some). We’ve dispelled the myths, answered the tough questions, and even given you a few pro-tips for making your next soft drink purchase.

But before we go, let’s quickly recap what we learned today: firstly, that all sodas are not created equal; secondly, that diet soda is not as healthy for you as people think it is; and thirdly, that drinking too much soda can have some pretty nasty consequences.

Thanks for joining us on this journey through the world of fizzy drinks – until next time…

Nick Spieth

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