Nature and Wildlife

How Big is Seattle's Lake Washington

How Big is Seattle’s Lake Washington?

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) Lake Washington, situated in Seattle, is a massive freshwater lake with a surface area of 22,138 acres, spanning over 22 miles from north to south. Known for its historical significance, the lake was home to…

how big is iceland compared to the US

How Big is Iceland Compared to the US?

Iceland and the United States are two very different countries. While Iceland is a small island nation located in the North Atlantic, the United States is a vast country stretching across the North American continent. This article will explore how…

how big is a moose compared to a horse

How Big is a Moose Compared to a Horse?

Moose and horses are both fascinating animals with their own distinct features. Understanding how they compare in size is a great way to get a sense of their physical differences. By exploring their physical characteristics, habitats, and behavior, we can…

average human hand size

What is the Average Hand Size?

As humans, we use our hands for almost everything we do, from typing on a keyboard to cooking a meal. But have you ever wondered if your hand size is average or not? In this article, we will explore what…

how big is oregon

How Big is Oregon? Exploring the Size and Geography of the Beaver State

If you’ve ever wondered how big Oregon is, you’re not alone. The state’s varied geography, from its rugged coastline to its dense forests and high desert regions, makes it a fascinating and complex place. In this article, we’ll take a…

megalodon size

Megalodon vs. Blue Whale: Who Would Win?

How would the largest shark that ever lived compare with the largest mammal known to have lived on earth? You read that right! If the famed Megalodon still existed today, how would it fare with the Blue Whale? Read more…

how big is maui

How Big is Maui? Plus Other Amazing Facts About the Island

If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Hawaiian islands yet, I sincerely hope you do at some point. For folks flying to Hawaii, flying from Los Angeles’s LAX airport is usually the way to go. Flight time from…

How Tall Is A Grizzly Bear

How Tall Is A Grizzly Bear?

Grizzly bears are one of the most dangerous predators in the world as they are very intimidating and vicious. They are often found in North America and are very distinctive from other animals as they have a large body that…

Size Of Ukraine Compared To Texas

Size Of Ukraine Compared To Texas 

Have you found yourself wondering about the size of Ukraine and how big it is? Maybe you aren’t sure how the size of Ukraine compares to Texas? Or are you curious and want to know more? Whatever your reason might…

How Big Is A Bed Bug

How Big Is A Bed Bug?

Everyone who has had the unfortunate experience of bed bugs in their home probably knows that these tiny animals are visible to the human eye. They look very similar to other small household bugs, so it can be worthwhile knowing…

How Big Is Japan Compared To The US (1)

How Big Is Japan Compared To The US?

Japan and the US are both very large countries that both have a lot of history and have worked on expanding their economies over time to become as powerful as they are. Japan can be classified as being one of…

how tall is a giraffe

How Tall Is A Giraffe?

If someone were to ask you what the tallest animal was in the wild, you would naturally think of something super tall like a giraffe. These animals are known for their great heights and their characteristically long neck. This is…